

ADRENALINE [EPINEPHRINE] - medicinal drug -hormone - study everything.


In 1895 : polish physiologist napoleon cybulski was firstly extracts adrenaline from adrenal gland.

In 1857-1938 : john Jacob abel discovered a naturally synthesized adrenaline from adrenal gland and they gives name epinephrine.

In 1901 : jokichi takamine  isolate the adrenalin hormone from adrenal glands of animals(sheep, bull or oxen.)

In 1904 : firstly synthesized in laboratory by friedrich stolz and henry drysdale dakin independently.


Adrenaline is a medicinal drug and also natural hormone which produced by the adrenal glands.
Adrenaline is play important role in a fight-or-flight response.
What is fight-or-flight response ? scroll down the page the point is what is fight-or-flight response.


IUPAC NAME : 4-[1 hydroxy -2(methylamino)ethyl ] benzene 1-2-diol.




MOLECULAR WEIGHT : 183.20 gm/mole

MALTING POINT : 211.5OC to 212OC.


SOLUBILITY : adrenaline is soluble in aqueous solutions of acid salt and also NAOH ,KOH .
Somewhat soluble in water and alcohol .
Adrenaline is insoluble in ether ,acetone , aqueous solution of ammonia and also insoluble in chloroform.

COLOR : white or colorless some times is different in color according to their weight.

STATE : micro crystalline powder . or we can say granule form.

ODOR : odorless.


Here we have a two method for prepare adrenaline

Method 1 : preparation of adrenaline in laboratory.

STATEMENT :  the reaction of catecol with chloro acetyl chloride yields substituted compound after that their reaction with an. AlCl3 , CS2 and specific heat gives further compound their reaction with –NH-CH3 yields –NH-CH3 substituted compound reduction of these particular substance gives racemic mixture of adrenaline . (±adrenaline).

What is racemic mixture ?  : a mixture of equal amounts of of the two anantiomers (optically active compound) which can not rotate plane polarized light due to the mutual cancellatio.


METHOD 2 : bio synthesis of adrenaline

STATEMENT : in a adrenal medulla of adrenal gland medulla oblongata and some neurons produces a adrenaline . in a synthetic reaction the amino acid convert into the phenylalanine and tyrosine after that further reaction will step to step produces some intermediates like dopa , dopamine , noradrenaline and further process yields adrenaline.



Adrenaline is used for a number of conditions including  anaphylaxis , cardiac arrest , superficial bleeding.

Adrenaline is also used for asthma when other treatment are not effective.

How to induct adrenaline in body : adrenaline is given intravenously (નસ માં) by injection in to a muscle, or other way by inhalation (શ્વાસ લેવા ની ક્રિયા ) , or by injection just under the skin.

symptoms of produced adrenaline in body or adrenaline rush.
faster heard beat.
fast breathing.
also increased in strength and performance of our body.
extreme sweating.
high blood pressure.

side effects of adrenaline
large amount of adrenaline some time gives side effects that given bellow.
Disconcertment in breathing , vomiting and sweating.

Headache and dizziness some times occur.

Irregular heartbeat, chest pain , nervousness.

How to control adrenaline

Do exercise regularly it helps you to control your own feelings and developed your good health.

General information

What is fight-or-flight response ?:  fight-or-flight is the physiological reaction or response of our body that prepare our body to fight with perceived harmful situation , stressful condition , or risk for survival.

Adrenaline rush or understanding of physical activity of adrenaline

When you see the dangerous or stressful situation at that time the information you received is sent form of signels into the almond-shaped structure of brain known as amygdala.  Once a signels are received by the amygdala it sends signals to other region of brain known hypothalamus.

As well we know that the adrenal gland is controlled by the hypothalamus; so hypothalamus regulate the adrenal gland and sends a signals to the adrenal gland through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal medulla.

When the adrenal gland receive signals , they releases the hormone adrenaline into the blood.
After that the adrenaline is released in blood it react on the lever cells and break a larger molecule of glycogen and convert in to small molecule of glucose; further the glucose is used for gain energy , at that time some notable activities are we can seen in our body like fast breathing , rapid heartbeat , sweating , increasing in strength for fight with any situation.

Adrenal gland[supra renal gland ]

LOCATION : adrenal gland is located at the anterior end of both kidneys.
Adrenal gland is a paired gland .it is yellowish or brownish in colour.
Adrenal gland is also known as supra renal gland.

Structure :

The adrenal glands are divided into two parts :outer layer (adrenal cortex) and inner layer ( adrenal medulla ). The inner glands (adrenal medulla ) produces adrenaline ; not only adrenaline but it also produces many hormones including , aldosterone , noradrenaline , and cortisol .
The cortex is vertically striated and yellow coloured , while medulla is soft, highly vascular and dark brown in color.

Adrenal cortex is divided into four zones : (1) zona glomerulosa  (2) zona fasciculate (3) zona reticularis and (4) x-zone.

Adrenal medulla : adrenal medulla is a layer inside the adrenal gland which is in a center of an adrenal gland.

Adrenal medulla contains elastic fibres and large blood spaces (capaleries). Medulla cells have granular cytoplasm.

see also


 ATENOLOL [TENORMIN] - medicinal drug   [click here]

orange-II dye or 2-naphthol orange or β-NAPHTHOL ORANGE - mono-azo acidic dye, or basic orange-2  [click here].

crsodine - G  or (2,4-diamino-azobenzene) or mono-azo- basic dye  [click here].

what is science ? all about science.  [click here].

auramine-o or yellow dye or diarylmethane dye or bis [4-(dimethyl amine ) phenyl ] – methanimium chloride. [click here]


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